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Attend this free two-hour orientation to learn if you are eligible for the City of San Francisco’s MOHCD Homeownership programs. The orientation provides an overview of affordable programs in San Francisco, including eligibility requirements and the application process. Even if you decide not to purchase in SF, we can still help you with your homeownership journey! This 2-hour webinar is REQUIRED if you DO intend to use any City of San Francisco Homeownership Programs to purchase a Below Market Rate home or a Market Rate Home, including, but not limited to: DALP, BMR DALP, MCC, TND, or CSLP funding (see MOHCD SF web site for full list of programs https://sfmohcd.org/for-buyers). Learn what programs are available, who’s eligible, how to apply, and begin to wrap your head around all those rules and program guidelines! *You must attend the entire 2 hours to receive credit, participate in the activities during the webinar, and submit the “CDBG” General Intake/Income Verification Form. https://sfhdc.formstack.com/forms/cdbg_all_events **Each person must register under their own name, with a unique email and using a separate device in order to receive credit for attendance. Two people can NOT share devices or email addresses. NO EXCEPTIONS.*** ALSO PLEASE NOTE, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT IF: 1. You arrive later than 15 minutes after the start of the workshop. 2. You fail to attend the entire workshop. 3. You are marked as “Inattentive” during the workshop. 4. You leave (disconnect from) the workshop before the workshop is complete.

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