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Learn more about affordable housing opportunities through the Below Market Rate (BMR) apartment rental program managed by the San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing & Community Development (MOHCD.)

We will discuss how to calculate your household size and income, and how to apply for rental listings online through the San Francisco Housing Portal DAHLIA. (https://housing.sfgov.org/). 1-on-1 meetings for individual application assistance or housing counseling may be scheduled after the workshop.

This is an online workshop that will be conducted via Zoom Webinar. Information on how to register and join the workshop will be in your confirmation email. Please make sure to scroll through the entire confirmation email as to not miss information. Also, double check your spam folder if you believe you have not received a confirmation email. Please use your legal name and verify your email is correct when registering.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions, concerns, or need further assistance with this process.

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